Team Communications For Manufacturing

Team Communications For Manufacturing

Meet Or Beat Your Deadlines With Team Communications

Manufacturing has entered the age of mass customization. Safely making a solid product at a fair price is no longer enough. Today’s consumers demand a product tailored to their specific needs, manufactured and delivered at a speed unimaginable just ten years ago.

For manufacturers, it’s an age of huge opportunity, but also immense pressure.

To meet customer expectations profitably, companies must continually boost efficiencies while minimizing downtime and protecting employees. Lean manufacturing principles and technological revolutions like the Industrial Internet of Things offer exciting new possibilities – and introduce new and unexpected players into the competitive arena.

Motorola Solutions is with you on the front line of this new industrial revolution. Our Team Communications platform takes push-to-talk (PTT) beyond the boundaries of radio, allowing all of your employees to communicate instantly, from anywhere, while leveraging intelligence from a wide range of applications designed to help your business succeed and keep your employees safe from harm.

Ensure Worker Safety And Security

The plant floor is a dangerous place when the lines are humming and schedules are tight. Key personnel on the floor carry MOTOTRBO™ radios, optimized to hear and be heard in noisy environments, with reliable coverage throughout the entire facility. However, other critical decision makers may be in the front office, at a sister facility or out of town at an industry event.

When emergency decisions must be made, Motorola Team Communications extend your existing radio talkgroups to any device, on any network, anywhere they have connectivity, providing instant communications with no boundaries to your critical personnel.

This means communications to any device: Motorola radios. Other manufacturers’ radios. Mobile devices. Laptops. Tablets. And connection to any network: Motorola LMR. Other manufacturers’ LMR. 4G. 3G. Wi-Fi. Motorola Team Communications connects them all, sharing critical voice and data to enable you to make informed decisions in an emergency.

Workers are a critical commodity in high demand. Keep yours safe with Team Communications.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

In the age of smart manufacturing and the Industrial Internet of Things, efficiency improvements and cost savings are waiting to be found. Automating labor-intensive processes lets you apply your people to solving problems, improving quality, and maximizing profits.

Team Communications opens up a world of efficiency-boosting applications for your business, from work order ticket management to dispatch solutions, and asset management to alarms and telemetry.

The largest portfolio of applications for two-way radio in the industry is at your disposal, with new innovations arriving frequently from the Motorola Solutions Application Developer Program. When valuable information is uncovered, share it instantly to all concerned parties, no matter where they are located and what device they use.

Knowledge is power. Help your team reach their full potential and accelerate time-to-market by unifying your team communications.

Cut Down On Downtime

The line between profitability and bankruptcy can be a thin one, and may hinge on how often your lines go down. In today’s competitive marketplace, an unexpected outage can easily lead to missed deadlines, frustrated customers, reduced orders, and debilitating long-term damage to your business.

In the constant battle to minimize downtime and eliminate waste, a unified Team Communications platform can be an invaluable weapon. Asset management, work order ticketing, and alarm and telemetry applications help keep the production lines producing and the scheduled maintenance on schedule.

In the event of an unexpected outage, these applications – coupled with instant push-to talk communication to any user on any device, anywhere – help to resolve issues as quickly as possible while still meeting critical deliveries. Your employees are your most valuable asset, especially in the current climate where skilled workers are in short supply. Team Communications allow them to share ideas instantly, solve problems quickly, and keep your productivity at its peak.

Take Your Communications Further

Smart manufacturers can seize the opportunities and hurdle the challenges of the modern marketplace with Team Communications. Your personnel can connect instantly – on any device, on any network, anywhere – utilizing the same radio talkgroups as your radio users. A wide variety of applications from the industry’s largest two-way radio developer network help keep employees safe, boost efficiency, and minimize downtime. Keep your team engaged and aware, sharing ideas, solving problems, and building the future of your business with Motorola Solutions Team Communications.

Inefficient Communications Drain Resources And Cripple Productivity

Are Your Team Communications Going Far Enough?

Meet or Beat Deadlines
Leverage team communications solutions to communicate clearly and instantly from anywhere.

Cut Down on Downtime
Stay on schedule, resolve issues rapidly, eliminate waste and minimize downtime.

Ensure Worker Safety & Security
Connect all critical personnel to any device and any network at any time.

Take Your Communications Further
Capitalize on opportunities through team connectivity.

Work Smarter, Not Harder
Achieve efficiency improvements along with a better return on investment.

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